The Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao

One person's journey of the walk in the Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao Kung Fu

 My Photo
Name: Sifu Chee
Location: Kona, Hawaii, United States

I am a student in the life-long study of the Yin/Yan of the Tao (The way), a warrior in the fight to regain control over our own health, a promoter of peace by example.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yin Yang Life Philosophy

Once upon a time there lived a farmer in the three kingdoms of China.
This farmer had a son who worked the farm with the help of a horse.
The horse ran away one day.
The local farmers came and said, "How unlucky, your horse ran away."
The farmer said, "Perhaps."
The next day, the horse came back, but was followed by a whole herd.
When the local farmers found out, they said, "You have great luck."
Again, the farmer said, "Perhaps."
Another day passes, and the farmer's son broke his leg while riding some of the new horses.
The local farmers again came, and this time they said, "What bad luck, your son broke his leg."
The farmer repeated, "Perhaps."
On the fourth day, the emperor's army were recruiting for the army and because of the son's broken leg, did not recruit him.
The local farmers this time said, "What great luck, your son did not get recruited."
The farmer again, repeated, "Perhaps."

Thus, like the Yin and Yang, sometimes unlucky situations lead to lucky situations.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Demo at ARC of Kona 11/18/06

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Postings on My Video Gallery at

Check it out here:
These are large video files (from 4-7 MB), high-speed Broadband Internet is a must. It's the demo we did for the Chinese New Year 2006 in Kauila-Kona, Hawaii. We had fun!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Year of the Dog Demo, Kona Hawaii

Izak, Zack, Gavin- Sword Duel

The good guy always wins Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo (contiuned) Kona, Hawaii

 Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo (continued below), Kona Hawaii

Air Riley
Sifu Larry Posted by Picasa

Kala - Rope Dart

Gavin & Izak Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo (continued) Kona, Hawaii

Grandmaster (Sigong) Michael Vendrell - Cane form
Sifu Chee - (Classical fan) Fighting Fan
Dog Form (Yee Chuan Tao) Grandmaster Michael Vendrell Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo in Kona (continued)

Zack(back), Izak (defend), Gavin (left edge)

 Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo in Kona (continued)

Kala & Kale - Sword Fight with Gim (double-edged sword)

Izak, Gavin sword Play Posted by Picasa

More Year of the Dog Demo in Kona

Riley - Bumbo free
Grandmaster Michael Vendrell-
Dog Form
 Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo in Kona

Nadia - Shaolin 7

3 Styles - Taiji - Sun (Riley), Yang (Sifu Chee) & Cheng (Kala)

Group- Shaolin Basic 7 thru 12 Forms
 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Kala Broad Sword play

Kale Dragon Spears

Get back

Kala Pushing Hands

Nadia kicks butt, uhh I mean hand...

Riley does Taiji - like no one can

Nadia -Shoalin 7

At the Championship, who's on first??

2005 Taiji Legacy, Dallas Texas USA

Sunday, August 28, 2005

West Hawaii Today Aug. 11, 2005 Cover

We are on the cover of West Hawaii Today, our local paper!
Okay, it was a slow news day...

Saturday, August 06, 2005

2005 International Taiji Legacy Championship, Dallas Texas

Congratulations to all my students!

Our team of 5 received
9 Gold Medals, 2 Bronze

: Nadia Banning, Chee, Riley Rudd
: Kala Holiday, Kale Sanders

Monday, May 30, 2005

Congrats to Ben and Kala

We are so proud of two of our Yee Chuan Kung Fu students Ben and Kala who graduated from West Hawaii Explorations High School this past Saturday, May 28, 2005. It was a joy to see their many accomplishments throughout the year. We all wish them every success in what ever they do! Congratulations Ben and Kala!

(Click on the picture to see larger)

Saturday, April 30, 2005


The softness can overcome the stiffness, the calmness can overcome the agitation.

- Taoist Saying -

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Three crazy Taoists laugh so hard
They fall down on their backs.
"Why" you ask.
"Don't you know laughter is the best medicine for old age?" as they point to the moon.

Laughter can ignite the spontaneous healing energy and forces within us, for when we laugh, all the internal diaphragms: pelvic, respiratory, vocal and cerebral - are pumping. This also occur with crying but laughing is more popular. In both cases, the release of positive as well as negative emotions is extremely healthy for the body. So place your hands on your knees, inhale, and go "Ho, ho, ho". Just laugh like an idiot and don't worry about how you look. Laugh for one minute every day.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Men are four

He who knows and knows not that he knows. He is asleep;
wake him.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not. He is a fool;
shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not. He is a child;
teach him.
He who knows and knows that he knows. He is a king;
follow him.

Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


You've always heard, too much of any one thing is bad. It's true. In your life, there is a balance of Yin and Yan. If there is too much Yin (the cool, shadow side) or too much Yan (hot, sunny side) an imbalance will occur and you may be sick. What is considered Yin and Yan? Well, that is a subject that is very complex and long-winded. In this blog, I will slowly explain that as the days goes on.

For simplicity, many
vegetarians are Yin because they don't eat meat which is a Yan food. To balance this condition, they will need to consume more protein. Now, on the other hand, carb conscious eaters (which I am one), tends to have too much Yan because they eat a lot of meat. To balance this food imbalance, they must eat more vegetables.

Of course, there are so much more to Yin and Yan than what I've just mentioned but this very simple and brief way can allow most people to understand Yin and Yan. And this: in life, there is a balance, a harmony that must exist. Trouble will come when there is too much of one or the other. Just like over -indulgence, -stress, -work, -play, etc. Work on maintaining that balance.

Take the first step. Do it daily and make it part of your life's goal. It will prolong your life and make it more rich in content. The world will be a better place if more people will do it.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Kala and Sau-Sing

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Shaolin Gang's all here...

China's Shaolin Temple Group shot. Look who's standing next to the Abbot (in the grey robe)?

Monk at China's Shaolin Temple

Abbot of China's Shaolin Temple looks on as one of the monks demonstrates a form.

Trying hitting me here

Shaolin Monk at China's Shaolin Temple demonstrating the strength of Chi Gung using Grandmaster Rob Moses' punch.

Kung-Fu-La-Hoop at the Shaolin Temple

Grandmaster Rob Moses presenting one of his Kung-fu-la-hoops to the high Abbot of the Shaolin Temple in China.