The Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao

One person's journey of the walk in the Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao Kung Fu

 My Photo
Name: Sifu Chee
Location: Kona, Hawaii, US

I am a student in the life-long study of the Yin/Yan of the Tao (The way), a warrior in the fight to regain control over our own health, a promoter of peace by example.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Postings on My Video Gallery at

Check it out here:
These are large video files (from 4-7 MB), high-speed Broadband Internet is a must. It's the demo we did for the Chinese New Year 2006 in Kauila-Kona, Hawaii. We had fun!!